QaRt Codes

We have an exciting group show coming to Pleiades Gallery this January called “transFORM.”  The show will be up from January 7th – February 15th, with an opening reception on January 17th from 6-9pm.

I focused specifically on transformation through technology.  I made five paintings.  Four of the pieces each explore about what is lost, or diminished, when experienced through technology.  To emphasize this message, the original painting was photographed, then completed painted over with a QR code.  The original painting can now only be accessed through scanning the QR code, each one “transFORMed” by technology, and now only existing in a virtual format.

One of the paintings has a slightly different message.  In this piece, titled “Golden Ticket,” the QR code’s URL will be updated at random intervals.  The person who owns this piece, or one of the 10 limited edition prints, will be given access to a unique “shared experience” through scanning the QR code.  I will be updating the URL will short videos, drawings, handwritten notes, etc.  As the artist, I will challenge myself to create a more intimate experience for this small group, by sharing things that are less guarded than what I post on Facebook, etc.  This piece explores the connections that could not be possible without technology.

I don’t want to say too much about the pieces specifically, because they are best experienced.  When you get to the URL with the image of the painting, look around for small messages and links to help you further experience the piece. It’s best to open this on a desktop or laptop and scan with your smartphone.  All the QR codes are hand-painted.

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